TIME CYCLE - PART III BEGINNING AND END "the Lamb slain since the foundation of the world" (Hebrews 4:2 and also Revelation 13:8)
Revelation 1:8 - I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
The Aleph and the Tav:
Soncino Zohar, Bereshith, Section 1, Page 21a - First of all is Aleph, the beginning and end of all grades, that on which all the grades are imprinted and which yet is always called “one”, to show that although the Godhead contains many forms, it is still only one
Soncino Zohar, Bereshith, Section 1, Page 30a - “The heavens” are the totality of twenty-two letters.
Soncino Zohar, Bereshith, Section 1, Page 200a - The aleph is the image of the male principle as against the beth, which is the image of the female principle;
Soncino Zohar, Bereshith, Section 1, Page 3b - Thou hast already bestowed on the letter Beth this great gift, it is not meet for the Supreme King to take away the gift which He has made to His servant and give it to another. The Lord said to her: Aleph, Aleph, although I will begin the creation of the world with the beth, thou wilt remain the first of the letters. My unity shall not be expressed except through thee, on thee shall be based all calculations and operations of the world, and unity shall not be expressed save by the letter Aleph. Then the Holy One, blessed be His name, made higher-world letters of a large pattern and lower-world letters of a small pattern. It is therefore that we have here two words beginning with beth (Bereshith bara) and then two words beginning with aleph (Elohim eth). They represent the higher-world letters and the lower-world letters, which two operate, above and below, together and as one. BERESHITH (In the beginning). Said R. Yudai: ‘What is the meaning of Bereshith? It means “with Wisdom”, the Wisdom on which the world is based, and through this it introduces us to deep and recondite mysteries. In it, too, is the inscription of six chief supernal directions, out of which there issues the totality of existence.’
Psalm 136:5 - To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever.
Jeremiah 10:12 - He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion.
John 1:1-3 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Here we have the Tav asking God to be first:
Soncino Zohar, Bereshith, Section 1, Page 2b - May it please Thee, O Lord of the world, to place me first in the creation of the world, seeing that I am the concluding letter of EMeTh (Truth) which is engraved upon Thy seal, and seeing that Thou art called by this very name of EMeTh, it is most appropriate for the King to begin with the final letter of EMeTh and to create with me the world. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to her: Thou art worthy and deserving, but it is not proper that I begin with thee the creation of the world, since thou art destined to serve as a mark on the foreheads of the faithful ones (Ezek. IX, 4) who have kept the Law from Aleph to Tau, and through the absence of this mark the rest will be killed; and, further, thou formest the conclusion of MaWeTh (death).
Multiples - 10; 3 6 9; 2 4 5 7 25 35 49