Creation of the universe was made possible by a withdrawal of the light of the creator, which was otherwise present everywhere. This was for our own sake, as we cannot recieve the full intensity of God's light. Therefore we are separated from God with a sequence of ten energy fields known as the sefirot. Each of the sefirah is distinguished from others with different teachings. Together they make up 'The Tree of Life'. As we ascend each sefirah, we grow in spiritual capacity, giving ability to capacitate light, we draw closer to the creator. Like any tree there is a source of goodness, however this is drawn from the crown being in regards
light. Three columns - central, right and left toward the material world. The sefirot may be likened to spiritual transformers reaching a manageable intensity in the base; the path
travelled by the light take the shape as a zigzag of a lightning bolt. The sefirot are not only in three columns but also four worlds; enamation, creation, intellect and action. KETER Keter is the Creator. The entryway to the 'Endless World', a light dimension, beyond understanding and of undifferentiated potentail. CHOCHMAH Top Right. Recieves the power at utmost level through Keter. Recognised as the Father figure, the originator of reality. "Beyond Reason" is its known facility, a pure knowing. BINAH Top Left. The universal mother carrying the property of understanding, she contains all energy, from human endeavor to spinning galaxies. DA'AT In the middle thought comes to be, funneling the combination of Chochmah and Binah. The "Pseudo-Sefirah." an enigma exists although not regarded as a true sefirah. Unifying the wisdom and understanding transforming them as knowledge. CHESED Middle Right. The most expansive sefirah, containing mercy and the desire to share. Symbolic of the sabbath a sense of peace, represented are the acts of loving-kindness between humans. Although unbalanced may be "generous to a fault" and without discipline. GVURAH Middle Left. Carrying judgement and restriction, demanding consequence to actions and counterbalancing the overflowing energy of Chesed. The process of change is taking place and physicality originates. Containing destructive energy "The Adversary." TIFERET The Middle. Contains beauty and balance. The mediation between The Creator and humankind. Between judgement and mercy, combining wisdom and understanding, and channeling the light. NETZACH Bottom Right. With victory it's energy and an expansive desire to share in bringing it to physicality, with the ideas of continuity and the eternal. Like a sperm that when united with an egg, carries specific qualities into the future via the birth of a new ("yet-like") being. Intuition is associated, "right-brain" involuntary processes. The realm of dreaming and the fertilizing quality. HOD Bottom Left. The egg in human conception, glory is the analogy. Is in association with prophecy, with left brain channeling of the practical principles into the human psyche. Here manifestation occurs where dreams become concrete. YESOD Base Central. A foundation sitting like a great reservoir collecting the attributes of above. Mixing, balancing and channeling into a world of action. MALCHUT Base. "The Kingdom" the world of our material universe. Understanding Malchut in it's relationship with the other nine sefirot and the contributions it can be looked at as the finished product. It is the world we live in where the perseption of physicality lies. It is where The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil sinks it roots into it's mirror image The Tree of Life. It is here that spells the difference between lives lived in light or in darkness.