CREED Shahada (Declaration of faith) There is no God but God (and) Muhammad is the messenger of God. An essentiel utterance to become Muslim. Symbolizing the essential unity of the faith and asserting the monotheistic aspect of Islam as promoting unity of God as the source of existence. Proclaiming Muhammad as the last prophet also an example of guidance for all Muslims; demonstrating God's essential mercy. The Repeated five times a day during prayer. It is the first thing said to a newborn and the last thing said to a person on their death bed.
PRAYER Salah Before prayer is performed, ablutions are performed including washing one's hands, face and feet. A caller chants aloud from a raised place in a mosque. Verses are recited either loudly or silently. These prayers are specific and physical called prostrations. These prayers are done five times a day, at pilgrimage facing the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca.
ALMSGIVING Zakat (Charity to the poor) This charity is a purification, making one's wealth legally and reliously pure. A certain amount of a Muslim's income is deducted.
FASTING Sawm (Month of Ramadan) Fasting takes place during Ramadan
PILGRIMAGE Hajj A Muslim is required to make pilgrimage to Mecca during the 12th month of the Muslim calendar. Making journey wearing only two white sheets. Rituals include walking seven times around the Kaaba traveling seven times between Mount Safa and Mount Marwah. Only those capable of making the pilgrimage are required.