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A common ground for texts to agree according to research

Theory of Evolution & Creation Story

"1 In the beginning God....."

The big-bang matter and anti-matter collide
".....created the heavens and the earth".

First Born Man (Successor) / Adam / Jacob
Serpent Clan Neanderthal / Jannes / Esau

Yang & Yin; Tiger & Dragon

- Spirit of Truth / "Prince of Light"
- Spirit of Falsehood / "Angel of Darkness"


Brahma (Creator)
- Vishnu (Preserver) / Tiger
- Siva (Destroyer) / Dragon

- Metatron / Idris
- Samael / Iblis


- Christ (Spiritualism / Spirit)

- Satan (Materialism / Flesh)


- Apollo (Way / Truth / Life)

- Cronus (Time)



- Anti-Matter (Invisible) / Unselfish

- Matter (Visible) / Egocentric


The Seven Aspects of Creation
The Ten Sefirot and the Tree of Life

<> Kether Sefirah <> Creator (Love)

YHWH - Lord of Spirits - Allah - Brahman / Praja-pati

Zues - The Great Spirit - Heavenly Father / Creator

<> Tiphareth Sefirah <> Messiah (Way / Truth / Life)


<> Chesed Sefirah. The Sacred. White Cultures / Creeds <>
Naval Chakra, Sense Sight, Element - Fire, Sin - Greed
Ephesus, Food - Grain. Element of Enlightenment - Peace
#1 "And the spirit of The LORD shall rest upon him," An eye to see

Favor, Mercy, Discretion, Michael, Lion, Space
<> Geburah Sefirah <> Severity, Adversity, Samael, Time
<> Binah Sefirah. The Chosen. Yellow Cultures / Creeds <>
Root Chakra, Sense Hearing, Element - Earth, Sin - Lust
Smyrna, Food - Vegetable, Element of Enlightenment - Wisdom
#2 "... the spirit of wisdom and," An ear to hear

Wisdom, Raphael, Ox, Earth
Desire, Fear, Kesebel
<> Chochmah Sefirah. The Honest. Brown Cultures / Creeds <>
Heart Chakra, Sense Touch, Element - Air, Sin - Wrath
Pergamum. Food - Protien, Element of Enlightenment - Energy
#3 "Understanding," A heart to reflect

Union, Authority, Ability, Gabriel, Man, Sky
Sin, Pit, The Lawless One, Gadrel, Behemoth
<> Hod Sefirah. The Just. Black Cultures / Creeds <>
Sacral Chakra, Sense Taste, Element - Water, Sin - Gluttony
Thyatira, Food - Liquid, Element of Enlightenment - Mindfulness
#4 "the spirit of counsel and," Intellect with which to deliberate

Virtue, Splendor, Uriel, Eagle
Death, Snare, Betrayer, Penemue, 'Daat'
<> Netzach Sefirah. Red Cultures / Creeds <>
Third-Eye Chakra. Sense Intuition, Element - Wood, Sin - Pride
Sardis, Food - Fasting, Element of Enlightenment - Concentration
#5 "might"
Victory, Courage - Remiel
Hades - Kesyade
<> Yesod Sefirah. Red Cultures / Creeds <>
Throat Chakra. Sense Smell, Element - Wood, Sin - Sloth
Philidelphia, Food - Fruit, Element of Enlightenment - Equanimity
#6 "the spirit of knowledge and of"

Acceptance, Temperance - Saraqael
Temptation - Jezabel
<> Malchut Sefirah. Red Cultures / Creeds <>
Crown Chakra. Sense Thinking, Element - Wood, Sin - Envy
Laodicea, Food -Pure Air, Element of Enlightenment - Joy
#7 "the fear of The LORD."

Faith - Raguel, The Shekinah
Doubt - Leviathan, The Klipah

“And [#1] the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, [#2] the spirit of wisdom and [#3] understanding, [#4] the spirit of counsel and [#5] might, [#6] the spirit of knowledge and of [#7] the fear of the LORD.”

- Isaiah 11:2


Minds that are grounded in seven elements of enlightenment (mindfulness, wisdom, energy, joy, peace, concentration, equanimity), that don't cling to anything but rejoice in the freedom of non-attachment, whose appetites are conquered, who are full of light, attain nirvana.

- Dhammapada, 6.14, Panditavaggo, The Wise Man

Note: Modified virtues and planets on Tree of Life.
Planet alterations are based on the associated gods.

Thankful. Grateful. Blessed.

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