God and Man
Sacred texts indicate creation of the universe was made possible by a withdrawal of the light of the Creator, and the origin of all being is One. Oneness therefore, the Source of all creation is absolute and sovereign. As infinity exists so too does God.
According to scripture and science the cosmos is made of both conscious spirit and unconscious matter. Doctrine informs us God is a Spirit; essentially without form and invisible. We should refrain from: any type of worship of idol or partaking of anything unclean and profaning the temple (forbidden).
A common ground for texts to agree according to research
Theory of Evolution & Creation Story
"1 In the beginning God....."
The big-bang matter and anti-matter collide
".....created the heavens and the earth".
First Born Man (Successor) / Adam / Jacob
Serpent Clan Neanderthal / Jannes / Esau
Yang & Yin; Tiger & Dragon
- Spirit of Truth / "Prince of Light"
- Spirit of Falsehood / "Angel of Darkness"
Brahma (Creator)
- Vishnu (Preserver) / Tiger
- Siva (Destroyer) / Dragon
- Metatron / Idris / Master
- Azazel / Iblis / Mastema
- Christ (Spiritualism / Spirit)
- Satan (Materialism / Flesh)
- Apollo - Way / Truth / Life (Space)
- Cronus - Adversity (Time)
- Anti-Matter (Invisible) / Unselfish
- Matter (Visible) / Egocentric

The Seven Aspects of Creation
The Ten Sefirot and the Tree of Life
God (The Creator)
YHWH - Lord of Spirits - Allah - Brahman / Praja-pati
Zeus - The Great Spirit - Jah
<> Kether Sefirah.
Messiah (Way / Truth / Life)
Adam - Jacob (Israel) - Joshua (Son of Nun) - Chosen One / Manchild
Enoch (Metatron) - Melchizedek - Jesus
<> Tiphareth Sefirah.
<> Chesed Sefirah. The Sacred. White Cultures / Creeds <>
Naval Chakra, Sense Sight, Element - Fire, Sin - Greed
Ephesus, Food - Grain. Element of Enlightenment - Peace
#1 "And the spirit of The LORD shall rest upon him," An eye to see
Favor, Mercy, Discretion, Michael, Lion
<> Geburah Sefirah <> Severity, Adversity, Samael
<> Binah Sefirah. The Chosen. Yellow Cultures / Creeds <>
Root Chakra, Sense Hearing, Element - Earth, Sin - Lust
Smyrna, Food - Vegetable, Element of Enlightenment - Wisdom
#2 "... the spirit of wisdom and," An ear to hear
Wisdom, Raphael, Ox, Earth
Desire, Fear, Kesebel
<> Chochmah Sefirah. The Honest. Brown Cultures / Creeds <>
Heart Chakra, Sense Touch, Element - Air, Sin - Wrath
Pergamum. Food - Protien, Element of Enlightenment - Energy
#3 "Understanding," A heart to reflect
Union, Authority, Ability, Gabriel, Man, Sky
Sin, Pit, The Lawless One, Gadrel, Behemoth
<> Hod Sefirah. The Just. Black Cultures / Creeds <>
Sacral Chakra, Sense Taste, Element - Water, Sin - Gluttony
Thyatira, Food - Liquid, Element of Enlightenment - Mindfulness
#4 "the spirit of counsel and," Intellect with which to deliberate
Virtue, Splendor, Uriel, Eagle
Death, Snare, Betrayer, Penemue, <>'Daat'.
<> Netzach Sefirah. Red Cultures / Creeds <>
Third-Eye Chakra. Sense Intuition, Element - Wood, Sin - Pride
Sardis, Food - Fasting, Element of Enlightenment - Concentration
#5 "might"
Victory, Courage - Remiel
Hades - Kesyade
<> Yesod Sefirah. Red Cultures / Creeds <>
Throat Chakra. Sense Smell, Element - Wood, Sin - Sloth
Philidelphia, Food - Fruit, Element of Enlightenment - Equanimity
#6 "the spirit of knowledge and of"
Acceptance, Temperance - Saraqael
Temptation - Jezabel
<> Malchut Sefirah. Red Cultures / Creeds <>
Crown Chakra. Sense Thinking, Element - Wood, Sin - Envy
Laodicea, Food -Pure Air, Element of Enlightenment - Joy
#7 "the fear of The LORD."
Faith - Raguel, The Shekinah
Doubt - Leviathan, The Klipah
“And [#1] the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, [#2] the spirit of wisdom and [#3] understanding, [#4] the spirit of counsel and [#5] might, [#6] the spirit of knowledge and of [#7] the fear of the LORD.”
- Isaiah 11:2
Minds that are grounded in seven elements of enlightenment (mindfulness, wisdom, energy, joy, peace, concentration, equanimity), that don't cling to anything but rejoice in the freedom of non-attachment, whose appetites are conquered, who are full of light, attain nirvana.
- Dhammapada, 6.14, Panditavaggo, The Wise Man